Monday, August 17, 2009

Flu flies to a farm

Since last week or more than that I think, Mumbai is overcome with waves of panic caused due to a tiny virus leading to swine flu... I sort of somehow, got caught up by this virus's subordinate and was down with the chills, body ache etc..After attending Krishna's birthday party (which my dad and other family members celebrate every year since I remember) I came home and realized that something was wrong with me. Thats when it struck me that the wisest thing to do was stay put in bed with some antibiotic in my bloodstream. It was so bad, that I couldnt do something simple like "reading" too without feeling fatigued.Then I tried watching a movie..Only the presence of Johnny Depp in it (Sweeney Todd) gave me the strength to watch it till the end...Restless that I am, I went online and after re reading all emails and updates (from FB to Yahoo), I saw an update from a friend asking me to join some sort of a game on FB.Usually, I downright ignore all such requests..But somehow ( i wd call it Providence, I just finished reading Agatha Christie, hence the word :), I ended up on that particular page and I was intrigued by the content and the rest of the stuff that was in it.
At the onset, I thought it quite silly..Humbug..actually. But as I explored it, the more fascinated I got with it.
Its very simple. You role play a farmer, build your own farm, grow ur animals. Harvest crops. And all the stuff that comes along with farming..Its simply fannntttttabuuulloousss.
Its like living a double life, you know, the real one, in the city with all the problems of life and the society and another virtual life, where your worry is weeds, dry leaves and crows. I never thought that mulching cows, bleating sheep, whinnying horses, clucking hens, ripe strawberries and pumpkins and the fruit trees would give me so much joy. :)
I asked vidya, neem and Satyu to participate..and now at this minute, I am a proud farmer and own 3 sheep, 6 cows, one pig, 2 rabbits and now am eagerly waiting for my pumpkins to grow and yes, I have got to go to the market to buy seeds for rice..and sigh have to utilize my cash to expand my farm, since its growing by leaps and bounds..
And O what joy, to worry and fret about which crop to farm and harvest... :)))
A happy-modern-altruistic-young-city bred farmer...
Oh yes, the name of the game is "farm ville"....

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