Saturday, September 13, 2008

To Each His Own

Yesterday, I don't know how I bumped into this blog of some person who had written about emmigration and about a certain person' speech. I was really shocked to read it. Its unbelievable that in today's time and era, we have people who have such restrictive thinking. I ave no clue whether that speech was valid or not, but yet it was horrifying to even lay my eyes upon it. In layman's terms, the speech informed emmigrants to kind of like mind their business and just live in their limits with 100 % tolerance of that particular nation's values, religion etc etc etc.
And to that some Indian guy had commented something about Hindutva.. And to that this blogger had kind of reprimanded him questioning him / her about some part of Indian history. I mean, what the heck!! Why cant the blogger or anybody or the guy who commented live where they want to and how they want to as long as they are within the legal limits of that particular place and are a harmless part of that society. Its rubbish, this my country, your land, my nation, your language, etc. I mean why cant everyone follow a simple principle of "To each his Own"..!?!?!?!
Actually I think it must be some genetic fault, since we start this mine and your thing, right from our childhood. Its just that those days, it was an innocent "mine" regarding our things, and somewhere down the line its takes the form of this huge monster which if we dont put to sleep inside us, rears up it ugly head to ravage everything in sight. Family relations, friends, sisters, brothers, husbands, wives, children, parents, all become statistical figures in this large scale devastation. Why others, even me, till a few years ago, used to think like these pea-sized brains. But have over the years broadened my thinking. Why is it, that if I choose to live somewhere, equals to , I hate the place I was born in or lived in?!?!? I mean dont we grow up and leave our parents and go out and build our own nest someplace else?!?! Then why is it difficult for us to aacept people who have left their towns/ countries etc and come to our place to seek something. Why cannot we be more accommodating and tolerant?!?!?
I am not here to campaign for the underdog here, just that I feel strongly we should let others be.. Simply put, "to each his own"...

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